
Intra-Day Trading : In general people on the street want to make big bucks overnight and resort to day trading. Day trading is like fighting a battle and to win a battle you need to be equipped with the winning tools. Here we present some of the rules one must adhere to win or to survive. • Determine the amount one can afford losing in a day. • Do not bet entire amount on a single trade. Divide the amount you can lose in few equal numbers of trades. • Stop trading for the day if you have lost the entire amount you allocated for the day. • Keep reasonable profit to loss ratio. Profit expected from the trade must be higher than the amount you are ready to lose on the trade. The ratio of 1.5 to 2 is advisable. Do not enter the trade if this condition is not satisfied. • Always trade with the trend. Never enter into a trade which is against the larger trend. Avoid trading for the minor pullback or correction. • Keep reasonable stop loss levels and follow them very strictly. • Never let a profit turn into losses, means keep trailing stop loss. • Do not get emotional with the fundamentals in day trading.

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