Monday, March 25, 2013

Virtual shopping system dressed for success

A Taiwanese company has developed a system that allows shoppers to try on clothes without really trying them on. Combining high resolution scans with motion sensors and cameras, the system gives busy shoppers a more efficient - and fun - way to try on the latest fashions.  

  Vera Tai is looking for that perfect outfit. Instead of walking through the store to make her selections - she is using a state-of-the-art virtual fitting room that allows her to find her new style….all with a touch of a button. Jenan Huang of Vismile the company that developed the system, says it will revolutionise the
way people buy clothes. (SOUNDBITE) (Mandarin) VISMILE GENERAL MANAGER JENAN HUANG SAYING: "With the virtual fitting room, consumers will no longer need to take all the clothes and try them on one by one, so it reduces the trouble for trying on clothes. Also, shoppers will no longer need to walk through stores. They can find the clothes they're looking for in a desired price range, style or colour." The system comprises infrared and high definition cameras that create a profile of the shopper's body image.. as well as motion sensors that detect movement. This profile is then shown on a monitor, allowing the shopper to choose from clothes superimposed on their virtual reflection. The clothes in the store have all been scanned to create a 360 degree view of how they would fit on a prospective buyer. The shopper can then mix and match different items to create the perfect outfit. (SOUNDBITE) (Mandarin) VISMILE GENERAL MANAGER JENAN HUANG SAYING: "The clothes are presented as 3D images, and these images were constructed from real clothes. Unlike the 2D pictures in flyers, imagination is no longer necessary, you only need to use your hand to select the clothes, and you may also turn to see how the clothes fits the shape of your body, that is the biggest breakthrough in our technology." Hueng is hoping that 'breakthrough' pays big dividends. The company is introducing the system in clothing outlets throughout Taiwan, where they hope the idea of virtual shopping will take off. Vera Tai chose the zebra striped cocktail dress, a fit that was virtually perfect..


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