Thursday, October 25, 2012

Microsoft Windows 8 all set for Friday launch

New Delhi: Microsoft is all set to launch its latest offering Windows 8 operating system on Friday.

Microsoft’s has also started to take pre-orders for Windows 8. The company has also set the price for an upgrade to the full version of the software at USD 70 for a DVD pack.

Customers can also wait for launch on October 26 to download the system onto their computers for USD 40, an offer price that will expire at the end of January. PCs running Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 will be able to upgrade to Windows 8.

Shoppers can reserve the software pack at Microsoft's own stores,, Best Buy, Staples and elsewhere. Microsoft has not yet announced the price of the full software to install from scratch, as opposed to the upgrade. The current price for a comparable version of Windows 7 is $200.

Any customer who buys, or already bought, a Windows 7 PC between June 2 and the end of January 2013 will be able to get an upgrade to Windows 8 Pro for USD 15, a move designed to prevent a drop-off in PC sales before the launch of Windows 8.

Microsoft also said PC makers such as Acer, Asustek, Dell, HP, Samsung and Sony were also now taking pre-orders for machines with Windows 8 pre-installed.

The world's largest software company did not mention its own Surface tablet PC, which is expected on the market at the same time as Windows 8. Microsoft has not revealed the price of the product it hopes will challenge Apple Inc's iPad.

Earlier, Microsoft communications manager Brandon LeBlanc has spilled the news in his blog. The blog said that Windows unit boss Steven Sinofsky has revealed the Windows 8 debut date at a sales meeting of Microsoft.

Chief executive Steve Ballmer has touted it to be the most important launch for company since Windows 95 almost two decades earlier.

Microsoft is placing several major bets over that period: its new Windows 8 operating system, on track for a late October launch; its first "Surface" tablets; a new version of Office; and revamped phone software.

Microsoft said it will be sending Windows 8 to its hardware partners in the first week of August and it will be available more broadly by the end of October.


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