Thursday, November 1, 2012

forex report 1-11-2012

USDINR pair failed to breach previous day’s high and slipped sharply to close lower by almost half a percent in last session
• Eurozone finance ministers will hold a video conference, with talks to be centered around the next aid disbursement for Greece,

desperately in need to get an additional EUR 31.5 bln to meet its financial obligations
• Recent reports suggest a deal should be days away after the Troika mission confirmed last week the next tranche of funds is expected to
be unlocked, which adds to advanced discussions over a 2-year extension for Greece to meet the deficit target
• Spain is expecting to receive the first tranche of the European Union aid package for its banks by early December
• Spain is also expecting the European Commission to approve the banking reforms by Nov 15 and authorize the first installment of a
program of up to €100 billion within 3 weeks
• Meanwhile, the government reported that the Spanish deficit reached 3.9% of GDP through September
• There was a successful Italian bond auction and EU officials' are in talks on the situation in Greece and a possibility of a new haircut
on its debt
• IMF head Christine Lagarde and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will discuss the situation in Greece in Berlin. Later, the matter will
be further examined during a Eurozone finance ministers' conference call
• The Italian government sold €4B of 5 year bonds at 3.80%, hitting the targeted amounts. The Italian Debt Management Office officials
were very pleased with the average yields obtained, the lowest since May 2011, and with 91-92% of the funding needs taken care of
• After the conclusion of the fourth bilateral summit between Italy and Spain in Madrid, Mariano Rajoy expressed his opposition to the
German idea of creating a European Budgetary Commissioner to control members
• USDINR pair is expected to take cued from movement in dollar against major currencies


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